Habanero Fettuccine Alfredo

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Habanero Fet­tuc­cine Alfredo
w/ roast­ed aspara­gus & garlic–parmesan cauliflower

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one bunch aspara­gus, diced; one red bell pep­per, diced; quar­ter cup saf­flower oil; salt and fresh black pep­per to taste;


one head cau­li­flower, chopped; two whole cloves gar­lic, minced; one cup parme­san cheese, grat­ed; quar­ter cup saf­flower oil; salt and fresh black pep­per to taste;


one pound fet­tuc­cine; eight oz. heavy cream; two cups whole milk, sep­a­rat­ed; one cup parme­san cheese, grat­ed; two whole cloves gar­lic, minced; two habanero pep­pers, diced; salt and fresh black pep­per to taste.

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Pre­heat oven to 400°. Prep all vegetables.

Mix aspara­gus and red bell pep­pers in a bowl with oil, salt, and black pep­per. Do like­wise with cau­li­flower, gar­lic, parme­san cheese, etc. Spread each even­ly across sep­a­rate bak­ing sheets. Roast aspara­gus for twen­ty min­utes, cau­li­flower for forty.

Cook fet­tuc­cine al dente, eight to ten min­utes, then strain. In a pan, heat gar­lic, diced habanero pep­pers, salt, black pep­per, and one cup whole milk over medi­um. When the edges begin to bub­ble, stir in heavy cream and pas­ta. Add parme­san cheese at will; cut it with the oth­er cup of whole milk to find desired consistency.

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